Dr. Michelle Passmore, network spinal Chiropractor

I’m Dr. Michelle. A Chiropractor, nature enthusiast, dancer, and mama to my fur baby Nelly.

I first fell in love with the Chiropractic philosophy, compelled by its respect for the body’s incredible capacity to self-heal

Network Care helped me personally in so many ways. When I started my personal journey with the care around 20 years ago, I had very low energy, was getting sick often and I struggled to be happy and engage socially. The significant changes that happened for me in my first few months of receiving Network Care shone so much light on how connected my Body, Emotions and Mind are- and my path as a Chiropractor was carved before me.

Since 2005 I’ve been developing Mastery in these modalities and am certified at the highest level.

My focus is to help you have a clear, intimate and healthy relationship to your body, to meet it’s needs consciously and efficiently so you can live an energised life congruent with your true nature.